Well, since
Interchangeable Parts has to work tonight, I will have nowhere to complain about the game. (Bethany is mobile, so I can't even complain to her!) I guess I will just have to yell at the television and randomly post thoughts about this final game.
19:51 Damn! Roy scores nine seconds in! Can't really blame Emery there since he hasn't seen any shots on goal since they played New Jersey. So Buffalo has just been lulling them into a false sense of security these past three games! Good plan!
16:41 No wait...the Sens are back. Okay, phew. They are all methed up again.
15:59 Phew that was close!
15:38 Okay I have lost interest in this whole liveblogging thing. I don't know how Liz and Eleanor do it! How do you watch and type at the same time? I guess since there are two of you it is a little easier?
15:00 Oh good Bethany is online...now we can chat
14:44 Uh oh ..second ottawa power play...this can't end well
12:35 I need a commercial...oooh Versus read my mind...time for a beverage!
12:35 Crap! Busy chatting with Bethany and I forgot to get a beverage!
11:41 almost a wraparound...nice pressure on emery there
10:41 Are they gonna review that?
What the hell is wrong with Heatley's hat in this segment? WTF?
(lots of time passes..........)
End 2nd Yeah okay I give up...I am too tired and not nearly witty enough for this sort of grueling work...catch ya over at Interchangeable Parts!