Sunday, October 21, 2007

oh, the things you'll learn! (and hell yeah)

Oh readers, Saturday's game was a wonderful one. A few margaritas always make the game more enjoyable.

I met up with Nadine before the the time she found me in the AT&T wireless pavilion, I was halfway through my first margarita. I encouraged her to catch up (good luck) and we each grabbed a margarita and headed down for warmups.

I decided to break out the StalkerCam 800000000 (totally copied Teka on this) so I could get some pictures for the blog that don't involve me giving credit to Bruce Bennett/Getty Images, but alas, buying the StalkerCam does not make me a better photographer. I guess I will have to go to practice on Monday to get some practice with the StalkerCam. *sigh*

Luckily, while I was "taking pictures" Nadine was schooling me on the last 85 years of hockey. I have a lot of catching up to do.

I don't have much to report on the actual game, since I was so busy switching seats and getting margaritas. I do know that it ended with a great OT goal which resulted in high fiving, jumping up and down and hugging. The entire third period was great, with me actually on the edge of my seat like one of those annoying people who gets ready to jump up at every shot on net. Look, there were a ton of scoring chances...just watch the replay!

Here are some other highlights of the night:
  • Nadine has an interesting way of "watching" warmups at the glass
  • Various texts and calls to Teka about dustbunnies and that lame ass Cocoa
  • I sprained my ankle poaching some seats. (karma is a bitch, and I love saying poaching some seats. That might be the new name of this blog...)
  • I was right to think that Brodeur is a douche.
  • Nadine is a saint for putting up with many times did I say "these seats are great!"? You would have thought I had never sat so close before!

Also, I learned post game that Stevens tweaked the lines a bit, putting Lupul up with Briere and Gagne. Interesting.

That's all for now, maybe I will post some of the sad sorry pictures later...

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