For some reason, I really thought the Flyers were going to beat the Devils yesterday. I had to catch the game on Tivo, and when I was at work, someone nearly told me what the outcome was. Luckily, she is a sports fan who tivos and stopped as soon as she saw my hands fly up to cover my ears.
So as I was watching the game, I kept thinking, "well, we must have won, because she was talking about how the eagles won, and then she said 'and the Flyers are...' "
It was kind of nice to watch the game through rose colored glasses. I thought to myself, "Yeah, Nitty is looking good! Look, he's in position. Wow, the puck seems to be finding him." Even Coatesy and Jim Jackson commented on Nitty's fine form. That should have been my first clue that we didn't stand a chance, because the announcers are an even bigger jinx than I am!
Even when we were down 2-1 and 3-1, I kept thinking, "well, this must be about the time we stage the comeback." It was so blissful to think we were gonna win. I mean, after all, why would my friend even mention the Flyers game to me unless they had won? Of course we were gonna win.
I decided to fast forward through the third period, because frankly I was tired and it was late. Oooh...looks like we're staging the comeback, as I see the score 3-2 flash by. And then I see the Devils players all hugging. Hmm, that's weird, I guess they must be happy we won. Oh, wait. I better go back and check that out. Oh, they are hugging because they won. Hmm. I feel surprised, yet not. All is right with the world, as we continue to suck against the Devils.
I hate you Devils and I hate Broduer.
And...WTF happened, Gator? I have been waiting all season for you to put that little pansy Clarkson into the ground. You did not fare well, and I implore you to take that bitch out on Friday January 4th. I have been waiting for this rematch since you two went in preseason at Trenton, but so far, I am underwhelmed. It'd be great if you could take him out and get a 3 game suspension doing it. That'd make up for last night!
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