He's never gonna see any action after last night's game. I actually felt kinda bad for him. It's not like the Flyers were shellacking him, but you could see his chances to play in the regular season fade away after that second goal.
Last night was the first night in my new seats. They're okay. We discovered that we have a yeller in front of us. The kind who waits until it's quiet right before the anthem and then yells "DEVILS SUCK!" at the top of his lungs. If you heard that last night, just know that guy sits directly.in.front.of.me. Happy happy joy joy. Other words of wisdom from his yelly-ness: "HOLIK SUCKS!" and "SOMEBODY KILL HOLIK." It's gonna be a long season folks.
The game itself was typical preseason fare: Rod compared it to Mites on Ice, and I couldn't argue.
best line of the night: After I complained about a Flyer passing to a Devil, Rod said "at least it was tape to tape...."
No pictures, since I didn't feel like lugging my gear to a preseason game. Plus, we skipped warmups. I'll have pictures from Saturday's Spectrum game, which I found out last night is at 1 pm. Oops!
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