7. Someone at work asks you if the Flyers won last night and you answer, "I don't know."
6. You ask for a Habs hat for Christmas, and your sister says, "do you know the link you sent me was for a Habs hat?"
5. You have not one, but two trips to Montreal planned in the next 6 months.
4. Having any Habs player on your fantasy team is kiss of death for said player. (this rule was previously applied to any Flyers player...)
3. You can't get this picture of Kovalev out of your head (probably applies to Kristin only)
2. you have half of your Flyers season tickets up on Stubhub to finance your trips to Montreal
1. You wear a Habs hat and a Flyers sweatshirt at the same time, and the Flyers sweatshirt just feels wrong...
Help! I need help!!!!