Yeah, so that game didn't suck. Lots of energy, decent puck possesion, not terrible goal tending. I guess when you're expecting a bloodbath, and you only cut yourself shaving, it's not so bad. The Habs looked a hell of a lot better playing the Bruins than the Flyers did playing the Pens. Trust me.
I sitll hold no delusions that the Habs can win this thing, but at least they're going down fighting.
I'm trying to pull tape of that Kovalev goal, because man oh man was that sick. I can't even tell you how much I love when he does that. Unfreakingbelievable.
In non Habs news:
- WTF? Carcillo suspended, Stevens fined? Oy.
- Interesting thoughts on Carter and Richards being used too much on the PK and tiring themselves out. Looks like someone's trying to come up with explanations for losing the series already.
- Also, just a random question from the Flyers game...WTF is Jared Ross doing up with the big boys? He's seen like 5 games this year. Bring Noodle back.
- Gah, Carolina, you were supposed to be unstoppable. Ward, you better get your shit together before tomorrow night, because we all know Leights aint ready for the big time.
- Oh, I think I may be going to the stupid Flyers game on Sunday after all. Grrrr. They better not play like shit. Soph and Jess, I'll keep you posted if I change my mind. Right now there are still good tickets available...
- I'm addicted to Luden's cough drops.
Go Flyers! Go Canes! Go Rangers!
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