Guys, I'm so excited! When the Flyers lose in the first round, I won't have to pay for second round playoff tickets! No money spent on second round tickets = more money to spend on Habs stuff. This is such a win win situation!
Seriously though. I didn't expect the Flyers to win, and I did expect them to suck, but I did not expect them to suck that bad and get so badly dominated. Ouch. This team doesn't have the same heart as last year's playoff team, and I don't think they have the ability to bounce back like they did last year.
Now, last year, they lost game one in the first round and went on to win the series. But, as I just mentioned, this isn't the same team from last year. That team had momentum and was clicking and gelling and all the other things that great teams do. This team is just waiting. Waiting for what, I'm not sure. Maybe they are waiting for Upshall to come back. I dunno.
I've had some requests for my little stuffed Iceburgh to be abused, so I'll see if I can make that happen for Friday's game. Even if it doesn't help with a win, it will make us all feel better. Right? RIGHT!
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