While others are writing glowing reviews about the Flyers and their deep playoff run, I'd like to take a few minutes to point some fingers.
Who is to blame for the crap series against the Pens?
1. The Flyers marketing staff. People, "Vengeance Now" was a great playoff slogan. Other fans hated it, and hated us for it. Changing your slogan to "Why Not Us?" in the middle of a playoff run is just asking for trouble. The hockey gods couldn't resist. Who can forget the irony of the white trash looking Flyers fan and her young son standing around stunned after Game 3? Sheesh!
2. Me. Yeah I know, pretty egotistical, but I have the photographic evidence to prove it. Remember that road trip I took to the burgh back in early April? Well, I was muy impressed by the Pens store. Seriously! They had so much stuff! Every player you could imagine! And cute little stuffed animals that I could kick around. So yeah, I may have purchased some Pens stuff.

I know you won't believe me, but I've been thinking for some time that the Pens were going to win the Cup this year. And I really never thought the Flyers were gonna make the playoffs, let alone have to face the Pens in the Eastern Conference Finals. So, at the time, there seemed to be little harm in buying a few harmless souvenirs.
However, after we lost that game on April 2nd to the Pens, and struggled mightily in the last 2 games of the season, this Pens stuff got shoved away in a place and sort of forgotten. Not really though, I've always known it was there, waiting for me and taunting me.
Sorry, it's all my fault. But the marketing department really effed it up too!