Whew, what a game. The opener was great and I love the new graphics for the team. Reminiscent of something, but I can't put my finger on it. I want to say an early 80s pop band album cover, but I don't know why. If anyone saw the graphics and knows what I am thinking, please feel free to help me out here.
I will skip the introductions, since they were long and overdone and everyone was just waiting to cheer for Briere.
The first few minutes of the first period were eerily quiet. It's like the crowd was afraid of what could happen. After last season, I can totally understand. Turns out, not much would happen, except for the Flyers turning it over like 5000 times. The period ended scoreless, which was good enough for me with how poorly they played. They were lucky to escape with no score.
The second period started, and it seemed like the players had laced up concrete skates. They were sooooooo slooooooow. I will have to watch the replay to see if they were as slow as I think they were, but damn. Again, the crowd was eerily quiet. (Except of course for the seven boneheads sitting in front of me who ALL got up to get beer every five minutes.)
Things get fuzzy for me when the scoring starts. Even though I was looking at the net, I didn't see either goal go in and both times I could have sworn they didn't. My vantage point was pretty bad, as I was nosebleed and also had the up/down people in front of me. The rest of the second period is a blur to me, since I was happy again to just get out of it without the Isles scoring.
What I remember from the third period (at least the last 10 minutes or so) is the amazing defensive play by pretty much the whole team, but especially Kapanen. This team was fighting to hang onto this lead, and did a pretty good job
as a team of doing so.
The last minute and a half were so intense that I nearly passed out. First off, the crowd started clapping like we had won. Gah! Don't do that unless you are up 8-2, people! A little hockey etiquette please! The Isles had the extra attacker and both teams were passing, giving it away, and basically skating around like crazy. It was really insane!!!! And when Gator cleared the puck (was he down on the ice?) and got the empty netter, I really did almost pass out! I'm not trying to speak in hyperbole here folks, I had some physiological problems!
That's pretty much it, I will add more after I watch the replay if I see anything that bears mentioning.
A few other notes:
I don't really know how many times I can say it, but Smith is truly amazing. He blocked some key shots in the first period. His skate, stick, leg, arm or whatever always seems to be in position to stop the puck. He is so subtle about it that you don't even realize he is doing it (unless of course you are me and you are mesmerized by his every move). It looks like the puck is magnetically drawn to him just so he can deflect it. It is weird.
Biron was magical again. The best part about him is how he doesn't get rattled.
Gagne and Witt...what was going on there? Nice to see Simon getting scrappy.
Hope Eager is okay. At first I was scared when he was laying there, then I was scared he was going to get called for diving. We'll see what happens.
Cote and Simon....really, that's all ya got? Lame, and looks like Cote didn't even land a punch.
Somebody should have kicked Bootland's ass, but I can't remember why.
I hate going to games with people, next time I am going alone (except next time I will meet up with Nadine first....sorry it didn't work out this time).