Clicking my remote into the wee hours of the morning brought me a little gem: Sudden Death was on last night. You know, the one where Iceburgh gets killed? I'm not gonna do any voodoo rituals on my stuffed Iceburgh today, because that hardly ever results in a win for the Flyers.
The Pens lost last night to the Coyotes, and if you saw them play, you know that they were just saving their energy for tonight's game. They even started Brent Johnson to give Lil flower some rest.
I hope to be at the game tonight. I have great seats in section 207 row 1. Nobody in front of me! My cat is having surgery today, and depending on how well he recovers, I may have to stay here and comfort him. So keep Zippy and me in your thoughts today, and send us good vibes so he'll be fine and I can go to the game.
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